Saturday, October 10, 2009

I have puppies!

Did I mention I have puppies?! We have two plus I have four cousins.

This is London. He hasn't paid too much attention to me so far.
As long as I don't take away from his chair time with mom, I think he will treat me just fine.

Stewie, on the other hand, is very much into me.
He's been very protective - he checks on everyone who visits and makes sure they treat me well.
He also gets very concerened when I cry. He likes to make sure I'm comfortable and happy as much as possible.

My four cousins like me too. Toffee, like Stewie, is also protective of me. Here he is wanting to jump up and lick me while I cried.
Rhubarb likes me too - but I think she wants just wants to play. I can't until I'm bigger and can play with all of the dogs!

1 comment:

  1. Awwwwww
    I just LOVE protective dogs!! At least you know that people will never mess with little Matthew! lol ;)
