Some new people came to visit mom later in the morning and, when I confirmed they were the ones from different parts of the county, I got busy.

At 11:39am I was finally out of the womb and into the world. The photo above was one of the first of many my dad took that day. This is one of my favorites: 

Dad went down the hall to announce to everyone that I had arrived. I could hear their cheers loud and clear!
I spent some quiet time with mom and dad after the nice nurse correctly guessed my weight - 7lb 2oz, and measured me - 20.5 inches. We enjoyed getting to know each other and I looked around for something to eat. It was at this time that mom and dad decided to name me Matthew Lane Wholihan.
After quiet time was over, all of the other family members came into the room and the party started. Everyone was so pleased for mom and dad and happy the whole delivery process went okay.
The party lasted a short time because mom had to be moved to another room in the hospital where we would stay the next couple of nights. Once we were there, I started plotting my next trick...but not before mom and dad pulled a fast one on me! We got to the room and settled in when, all of a sudden, the next thing I know, I'm rolling back down the hallway and end up in a sink full of water. They kept calling it a 'bath' but, whatever it's called, I didn't like it as evidenced by this photo:
Afterwards, they did wrap me up in a nice, warm blanket and I felt much better. Throughout the day, I was checked and rechecked by doctors and nurses to make sure I was handling my new world okay.
I was and, eventually, it was time to bring an end to my birthday and go to sleep.
Well, that's what mom and dad thought. I had other plans because this is where my next trick came in. I let dad put me in the basinette and tuck me in while mom got comfortable in her bed. Dad turned out the lights and got himself comfortable. I counted to 30 then let 'er rip - letting out a loud cry the probably woke the neighbors. Ain't I a stinker? ;-)
We were all up for most of the night - not only because of my cries but also by the nurses coming to check my temperature and my weight. We finally got a couple of hours sleep as I looked forward to day two of my life.
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