Sunday, August 8, 2010

11 months!!

I turned 11 months old this past week! Only one more month to go before my 1st birthday! :-)

I'm getting bigger and bigger. I can crawl at super-fast speeds - but mommy and daddy still manage to catch me. I like pulling myself up on chairs and short furnature so I can streach my legs. :-) I'll be walking in no time!

I'm saying more words now. I like saying,"uh oh" when I drop my toys on the floor - usually on purpose. :-) The other day, there was a song on the radio that included "uh oh" in the lyrics so I sang along. I think I surprised mommy. :-)

I say, "doo" when pointing to my dogs Stewie and London. I have a hard time saying Stewie, so I just call him, "E" for now.

I also say, "Night, night" when it's time to take a nap or go to bed at night. I'll include a wave too, just to be polite.

I enjoy all of the food mommy and daddy make for me. I especially love butter nut squash! I'm starting to eat some of mommy and daddy's food -but only in little bites. I like it and can't wait to try more.

Lots of love to everyone!
